Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Here are a few photos of the REED SOVA Model Gunite Machine constructing an underground parking garage in South Africa .

Thanks to Dustin at Shotcrete Africa for the pics!


Mike Newcomb
REED Shotcrete & Gunite Equipment

REED Gunite Machines

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Gunite Machine aided by hydraulics!

Most REED Gunite Machines (dry process shotcrete machines) are usually driven by an air compressor (to turn the feed bowl and to blow the material through the hoses to the nozzle, where water is added)...but, occasionally a customer needs a completely silent machine (the air motor on the gunite machine kind of sounds like a very small lawnmower when it is running) -- well, REED now offers the option of buying a hydraulic-driven machine (the feed-bowl is driven by a direct-drive hydraulic pump - as with the air driven gunite machines, no chains!). Pretty neat!

Most customers will tie into the optional hydraulic feed coming from their air compressors...but REED even sells a cool little hydraulic power pack if you want one.

see for details

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gunite Machines - here's a much better website...

Well, we finally upgraded the website to show things like how to use a gunite machine, how a gunite machine works, nozzle information, etc. Check out when you get a chance!
- Mike

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Gunite Survey

Gunite (dry-process shotcrete) Survey

Gunite is currently used for swimming pool construction, artificial rockwork, mine support, tunnel linings, concrete repair, refractory patchwork, and many more uses. The fact that the material is added dry allows for much more flexibility than with the wet-mix shotcrete process, so different types of work can be done with gunite.

What do you feel are the best uses of Gunite?